Reflecting on the Gospel yesterday (healing on a Sabbath), I remembered a quite intriguing article I wrote some years back. I am sharing it with you. I hope you would find it nteresting and amusing.
In our journey through life we often ask ourselves, at one point or another, “Shall I follow or break the rules?” Upon the answer depends our personal happiness or even the happiness of other people. We cannot and will not graduate from the school of life without having to wrestle with laws, rules, guidelines, regulations, commandments, or what have you. In these times when Constitutional Amendments, economic reforms, election-related violence, abduction of even Church people and missionaries, hit the front page of leading newspapers in the country, I cannot help but wonder: what are laws for if they can be broken anyway? Now it brings me to thinking: are all these rules important? Do the elected lawmakers have the true welfare of the people in their heart and mind when they draft these laws? What does God say about our laws?
During His time on earth Jesus violated sacred Jewish laws. Jesus broke the rules so many times that the government and even the church wanted Him dead. He disregarded a number of rules not just once or twice or thrice that He even had to say, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.”1
Jesus broke the law when He talked to a Samaritan woman.2 The woman was so surprised when Jesus came up to her that she said, “How can you, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?”3 Jesus violated two laws here – 1) Jews are forbidden to talk to a woman in public and 2) Jews are not to associate with any Samaritans for they are regarded unclean because of inter-marriage with other races. Jesus considered these rules unimportant. He considers everybody special. He talked to the Samaritan woman confirming that the Messiah they had been waiting for has come. Jesus broke down the barriers. It is His sincere affection and concern for a person regardless of his race that makes Jesus’ love so unique. That woman, the one considered unclean, received the gift of faith.
“The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, ‘Look, He is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’”4 Jesus broke the rules again when He dined with the outcasts of the Jewish society, the tax collectors and sinners. We see clearly from here that Jesus has a soft heart for us, sinners. Today, the ministers of God, priests, lay preachers, and even the social workers of the government find it easier to help hurting people if they work closely with them, making friends with them, dining and having fellowship with them, thus making these people trust them enough to open their heart to them. Experience teaches us that we cannot help a person just by looking at him and praying for him from a distance. We have to go out of our way to reach out and touch people who need us the most.
Jesus broke the Sabbath rules when He cured some people. The result of such violation was healing of the following:
1. a man with a withered hand5
2. a woman who had been crippled by a spirit for 18 years6
3. a man who had been ill for 38 years7
On another occasion, Jesus allowed His disciples to break a rule: they picked grain… on a Sabbath.8 It is unlawful to pick grain on a Sabbath. Jesus, when asked by the Pharisees why He and His disciples violated these sacred laws, replied, “The Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.”9 The statement of our Lord clearly indicated that the rules are made for man, for his general welfare. When a man suffers from obeying the law to the letter, then the law no longer serves its purpose hence, the excuse to break or even to abolish it.
Jesus defied the law of gravity when He came towards the disciples walking on the unstable sea.10 It showed Jesus’ power over the waters, Jesus’ mighty power over every other creature in the universe and even over death!
Jesus defeated the principle of death when He, out of compassion, raised Lazarus11, a widow’s son12, and a little girl13 back to dear life and of course, when He Himself rose again from the dead on the third day.14
Today Jesus still breaks the rules… when He forgives us our sins even when they are way over seventy times seven. Being the Son of the Living God, Jesus has supreme authority over the law, thus, He has THE RIGHT to break the rules, man-made rules. Laws, no matter how beautifully written, would mean nothing if there is no love in it. Laws mean nothing if not properly directed towards love. Jesus considers it much more important to perform works of mercy such as healing the sick and satisfying human needs such as hunger and thirst compared to observing even the most sacred Jewish law. Our Lord detests people who blatantly disregard God’s commandment in favor of human tradition. Righteousness is not obeying each and every law to the letter. Righteousness, to Jesus, means doing the will of the Heavenly Father.15 It is not keeping the law but rather finding direction and meaning in the law in the light of love that makes us holy. It is the expression of God’s love through the fulfillment of the law that makes us more like Jesus.
Jesus breaks some laws but each time, each time He does, it is always because of love and compassion… always. It is in this regard that legislators should beware of self-serving interests. Our beloved and hardworking lawmakers, before drafting a bill, must make sure that it will not go against the greatest rule – LOVE of God and neighbor – because if it does, even if the bill becomes a law, I (with due respect) solemnly assure you, Somebody will definitely break it.
Yes, like us, Jesus broke the rules, too but the BIG difference is: WE SINNED; JESUS NEVER DID.
1 Matthew 5:17
During His time on earth Jesus violated sacred Jewish laws. Jesus broke the rules so many times that the government and even the church wanted Him dead. He disregarded a number of rules not just once or twice or thrice that He even had to say, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.”1
Jesus broke the law when He talked to a Samaritan woman.2 The woman was so surprised when Jesus came up to her that she said, “How can you, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?”3 Jesus violated two laws here – 1) Jews are forbidden to talk to a woman in public and 2) Jews are not to associate with any Samaritans for they are regarded unclean because of inter-marriage with other races. Jesus considered these rules unimportant. He considers everybody special. He talked to the Samaritan woman confirming that the Messiah they had been waiting for has come. Jesus broke down the barriers. It is His sincere affection and concern for a person regardless of his race that makes Jesus’ love so unique. That woman, the one considered unclean, received the gift of faith.
“The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, ‘Look, He is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’”4 Jesus broke the rules again when He dined with the outcasts of the Jewish society, the tax collectors and sinners. We see clearly from here that Jesus has a soft heart for us, sinners. Today, the ministers of God, priests, lay preachers, and even the social workers of the government find it easier to help hurting people if they work closely with them, making friends with them, dining and having fellowship with them, thus making these people trust them enough to open their heart to them. Experience teaches us that we cannot help a person just by looking at him and praying for him from a distance. We have to go out of our way to reach out and touch people who need us the most.
Jesus broke the Sabbath rules when He cured some people. The result of such violation was healing of the following:
1. a man with a withered hand5
2. a woman who had been crippled by a spirit for 18 years6
3. a man who had been ill for 38 years7
On another occasion, Jesus allowed His disciples to break a rule: they picked grain… on a Sabbath.8 It is unlawful to pick grain on a Sabbath. Jesus, when asked by the Pharisees why He and His disciples violated these sacred laws, replied, “The Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.”9 The statement of our Lord clearly indicated that the rules are made for man, for his general welfare. When a man suffers from obeying the law to the letter, then the law no longer serves its purpose hence, the excuse to break or even to abolish it.
Jesus defied the law of gravity when He came towards the disciples walking on the unstable sea.10 It showed Jesus’ power over the waters, Jesus’ mighty power over every other creature in the universe and even over death!
Jesus defeated the principle of death when He, out of compassion, raised Lazarus11, a widow’s son12, and a little girl13 back to dear life and of course, when He Himself rose again from the dead on the third day.14
Today Jesus still breaks the rules… when He forgives us our sins even when they are way over seventy times seven. Being the Son of the Living God, Jesus has supreme authority over the law, thus, He has THE RIGHT to break the rules, man-made rules. Laws, no matter how beautifully written, would mean nothing if there is no love in it. Laws mean nothing if not properly directed towards love. Jesus considers it much more important to perform works of mercy such as healing the sick and satisfying human needs such as hunger and thirst compared to observing even the most sacred Jewish law. Our Lord detests people who blatantly disregard God’s commandment in favor of human tradition. Righteousness is not obeying each and every law to the letter. Righteousness, to Jesus, means doing the will of the Heavenly Father.15 It is not keeping the law but rather finding direction and meaning in the law in the light of love that makes us holy. It is the expression of God’s love through the fulfillment of the law that makes us more like Jesus.
Jesus breaks some laws but each time, each time He does, it is always because of love and compassion… always. It is in this regard that legislators should beware of self-serving interests. Our beloved and hardworking lawmakers, before drafting a bill, must make sure that it will not go against the greatest rule – LOVE of God and neighbor – because if it does, even if the bill becomes a law, I (with due respect) solemnly assure you, Somebody will definitely break it.
Yes, like us, Jesus broke the rules, too but the BIG difference is: WE SINNED; JESUS NEVER DID.
1 Matthew 5:17
2 John 4:4-42
3 John 4:9
3 John 4:9
4 Matthew 11:19
5 Luke 6:6-11
6 Luke 13:10-17
7 John 5:1-18
8 Luke 6:1-5
7 John 5:1-18
8 Luke 6:1-5
9 Luke 6:5
10 Mark 6:45-52
11 John 11:1-44
12 Luke 7:11-17
13 Matthew 9:18-26
14 Luke 24:1-12
15 Matthew 7:21
This was just what I was looking for! I'm a missionary teaching at a Bible college in Guam (see our blog and I wanted to show how Jesus broke rules ALL the time. This was great. Thanks!
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