Just a Little Smile

I am sharing with you one of my Gospel reflections (John 6:16-21) which was published in Didache, a widely-read Catholic Daily Bible Reflection Guide. May we be inspired to stand up for the truth ALL THE TIME... whatever it may cost us.


In our parish community, I have a friend and prayer partner who is like a mother to me. She is a committed Christian who is very much in love with the Lord. She is a God-first-others-second-and-myself-last kind of person. The Lord takes precedence over her priorities in life.

She often tells me to put God first in everything and the blessings will just continue to flow like a river that never runs dry. She always reminds me to consult and obey the Lord in all things, even if it means going the opposite direction of the world. “Let them hate you as long as you are telling the truth. It is better to lose them rather than destroy a good relationship with the Lord.”

My friend is right. The world will hate me if I continue to strive to obey the Lord in everything. Trusting in God’s faithful love, I would not care if I lose the world’s friendship as long as I could get just a little smile from Him.


Do you constantly strive for the approval of others? Seek God’s smile instead.

“Lord, in everything I do, grant me the grace to seek Your smile… if not Your laughter.”